jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012


The verb is the part of speech or lexical category that expresses existence, action, achievement, status or condition of the subject, express semantically complete preaching. In the sentence, the verb serves as the core of the predicate. In verbal termination can identify the time at which the action is performed, the mode is performed, the person performing and number.
Verbs by valence or grammar can be classified into intransitive, transitive, ditransitive, etc.. Transitive verb are required when more than one mandatory argument. The intransitive has one mandatory argument.

In the vast majority of the world's languages ​​is verb word class complex in the sense that it can reflect many more parts of speech than other words. Too often express one or more persons grammatical (though not in all languages, in Spanish only marks the grammatical person associated with the subject, in other languages ​​can also dial the object), grammatical number (though not in all languages) time-aspect-mode and more rarely in some languages ​​can lead grammatical gender, evidential, directional, shape sorters, intentional, etc.. In traditional grammar categories expressed in the verb are called "accidence".
In most inflected languages ​​are three typical grammatical verb categories.
The category of tense verb takes different forms in different languages, Spanish and many European languages ​​there are three possible values ​​of time: past, present and future. Although in other languages ​​is the difference between past and non-past (present or future). There are even languages ​​like Chinese have no tense, and the semantic notion of time is by explicit adverbs (today, yesterday, ...) or contextually.
The mode category may vary in three different forms: indicative, subjunctive, imperative, to which is added the infinitive (sometimes also called infinitive, although it is not proper). The indicative mood states a fact, positive or negative. The subjunctive mood expresses doubt, desire or condition. The imperative mood expresses command or plea, that is, an order or request emphatic that must meet a second person.
The grammatical aspect concerns the semantic notion of action finished (perfect), unfinished action (imperfect), continuous action, etc.
In time many Indo-European languages, the grammatical aspect and how often expressed by a single morpheme fusionadamente simultaneously expressing the different values ​​of these categories. For example in Spanish, as the morpheme-ste loved simultánemanete expresses the indicative mood, past tense and perfect aspect (besides expressing second person singular).
[Edit] Arguments verbal
The arguments required by the verb, different from the subject, called verbal complements. In various languages ​​are called differently but in general a transitive verb requires a direct object (occasionally complement system), some also require the indirect ditransitive. The so-called "add-on" circumstantial is not mandatory in any case as a deputy syntactically verb phrase.
Semantically the direct object usually assume a thematic role of patient or theme, while the indirect object usually receives a thematic role of beneficiary or recipient. In románcias Spanish and other languages, some verbs require complements mandatory with different thematic roles that complement expressed by a supplement regime.
Circumstantial supplements are not as verbal arguments can be omitted, but when present complete the meaning of preaching expressing manner, place, time, etc.. These attachments are often introduced by adpositions or are made by adverbs of manner, time and place.
[Edit] diathesis
Main article: diathesis (grammar).
The grammatical diathesis has to do with the number of arguments required by the verb or verb valency. Many verbs require only one argument (intransitive) whose thematic role is often an experimenter. Other verbs that require an agent between its arguments are transitive and often also require a patient or subject. In Spanish some of the verbs that require an agent as one of its arguments can appear in transitive or intranstivas diathesis:
I ate the chicken (DT)
were eating (DI)
Other verbs are transitive and intransitive rigidly not support this duplicity diathesis:
John ate the chicken (DT)
* John devoured
The second sentence is not semantically correct and is not directly interpretable without additional pragmatic inferences.
The world's languages ​​have morphological procedures may alter the valence of the verb including:
Passivation involves the formation of an intransitive from a transitive. Note that for example in Spanish the "complenento" agent introduced by the preposition by in a passive sentence is be skipped, and therefore is a syntactic attachment: Elected president is correct as president was elected by the majority of the camera. In languages ​​nominative-accusative intransitivzación this process is called passive formation while ergative-absolutive languages ​​this antipassive voice training.
The causative voice
The voice applicative
[Edit] Syntax
Requirements In addition to syntax, the appearance of a verb in a sentence may be linked by grammatical agreement. This means that in many languages ​​the verb is required to have one way or another depending on other syntactic constituents that precede or follow it. In Spanish the verb agrees with the subject:
The boy ran much
The children ran much
However in other languages ​​like Basque are consistent with the "subject" and "object":
ditut 'I have them' / dut 'I have it'
ditugu 'the we' / dugu 'what we have'
[Edit] The verb in the languages ​​of the world

Verbos transitivos e intransitivos

Desde el punto de vista sintáctico, un verbo con diátesis transtitiva o verbo transitivo requiere dos participantes (un participante de tipo A(gentivo) y un participante de tipo O(bjeto)). Por el contrario, los verbos intransitivos requieren un único participante. En las lenguas nominativo-acusativas el segundo participante requerido sintácticamente es uncomplemento directo (CD), mientras que en las lenguas ergativas sería un complemento ergativo. Una misma raíz verbal puede ser en algunas oraciones intransitiva y en otras oraciones transitiva. Los siguiente son ejemplos en español:
Estoy comiendo (intransitivo)
Estoy comiendo nueces (transitivo)
Los verbos transitivos son aquellos que exigen la presencia de un objeto directo (también llamado "complemento directo") para tener un significado completo; esto es, que se refieren a acciones que transitan desde el actor al objeto (véase transitividad). Un ejemplo de esta categoría en español es:
He conseguido dos entradas para la ópera.
Aquí, el grupo compuesto por "dos entradas para la ópera" representa el objeto directo. La construcción "He conseguido..." no tiene sentido por sí misma, y requiere que se aporte información sobre lo que se consigue. Por regla general, los verbos transitivos son de la forma "alguien hace algo a algo".
Los verbos intransitivos no admiten o no van acompañados de CD, no requieren de la presencia de un objeto directo que determine al verbo. Un ejemplo en español es el verbodelinquir, por ejemplo en la oración:
andres delinque.
Se trata de un verbo intransitivo, ya que no requiere especificar un objeto directo, por lo tanto, el concepto de "delinquir algo" no tiene sentido en español.
En el uso lingüístico los verbos no son en sí mismos transitivos o intransitivos, sino que se denominan así según su uso. Es posible tanto usar verbos intransitivos como transitivos, por ejemplo en:
Marisol canta una ópera.
como expresar verbos transitivos sin la presencia de un objeto directo, por ejemplo en:
Déjaselo al técnico, que él seguro [queentiende.
Son pocos los verbos intransitivos en el castellano al compararlo con idiomas con fuerte división entre verbos transitivos e intransitivos. En general, el castellano dispone de la forma autorreflexiva se para denotar intransitividad, como por ejemplo "se rompió", "se caerá", etc.


Present Perfect (Present Perfect Tense)
The Present Perfect in English is a tense that is used to refer to actions that happen in the recent past and that have some connection with this. Its equivalent in Spanish is the Present Perfect:

I have sent the letter.
I have sent the letter.
(Indicates that the action just happened)

To build the affirmative form of Present Perfect should be used as auxiliary verb to have in the Simple Present and accompanied by the main verb in its past participle (either regular or irregular verbs verbs):

I have bought a new dress.
I have bought a new dress.
You have Studied the lesson. You have studied the lesson.
He has broken the window. He has broken the.
She has lost the keys. She has lost the keys.

Remember that the 3rd person singular should get the "S" on the side and it is the Simple Present.
Instead, to form a question we put the auxiliary at the beginning of the sentence, then the subject and then the main verb in past participle also:

Have I bought a new dress?
I bought a new dress?
Have you Studied the lesson? Have you studied the lesson?
You've broken the window? Broke the window?
She have lost the keys? Lost her keys?

Meanwhile, the negative is formed by placing the negation NOT between the auxiliary and the main verb, for example:

I have not bought a new dress. I have not bought a new dress.
You have not Studied the lesson. You have not studied the lesson.
I have not broken the window. He has not broken the.
She has not lost the keys. She has not lost the key.

You can also use the contracted form of denial or placing HAVE NOT HAS NOT accordingly.

Note that when we speak in Present Perfect should not mention the time when the action occurred, because to do so we should use the simple past, for example:

I have sold my car.
I have sold my car. (Present Perfect)

I sold my car this morning.
I sold my car this morning. (Past Simple)

present perfect is used in the English language to narrate events that have already occurred in a time-specific or not, in the past but still have a relevance in the present.
Corresponds in structure with the present perfect in Spanish, ie, the verb is constructed with the auxiliary verb have or if you have third-person singular (he, she, it), plus the participle of the verb: subject + verb + haveohas past participle, but not always in use: I have been married for two years. (I've been married two years.) .1
In the sense of the previous example, it is especially important to use to connect the past with the present, and even future. Hence, frequent use adverbs of time as for, since, etc.2


The Olympics, 1 Olimpiadas2 or, for short, JJ. OO., Are multidisciplinary sports involving athletes from around the world, in ancient Greece were dedicated to the god Zeus. There are two types of Olympics: Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics, which take place at an interval of four years. The organization responsible for the conduct of these is the International Olympic Committee (for short, IOC).
The current Olympic Games were inspired by the eighth century BC by the ancient Greeks organized in the city of Olympia, between the years 776. C. and 393 d. C. In the nineteenth century, the idea of ​​making a similar event to organized in antiquity, which would be realized primarily through the efforts of the French nobleman Pierre Fredy, Baron de Coubertin. The first edition of the so-called Olympics of the modern era were held in Athens, capital of Greece. Since that time, the Summer Olympics have been held every four years in different parts of the planet, the only exceptions being the editions of 1916, 1940 and 1944, due to the outbreak of World War I and World War II.
The Olympic symbol consists of five rings represent the five continents of the world: Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania. Are intertwined to symbolize the friendship of all peoples sports.
The Winter Olympics were held for the first time in 1924 in the French town of Chamonix. Originally made as part of the summer event, the IOC's considered as a separate event retroactively, and since then began to be held in the same year as the original games. Subsequently, in order to foster the development of winter events, the IOC decided to delay the implementation of the Olympic Winter Games from Lillehammer 1994. Since then, the Winter Olympics are held in even years between two Summer Games. In 2007, the IOC decided to include a new type of event: Youth Olympic Games, which began to take place from 2010 to 2012 in their summer and winter editions, respectively.
The last Summer Olympics were held in London, UK, in 2012, while the Winter Olympics will be held in Sochi, Russia, in 2014.
Ancient Olympics

Main article: Ancient Olympics.
The Ancient Olympic Games (named place in the city of Olympia) were religious festivals, cultural and sporting activities held in ancient Greece (776 a. C. - 392 d. C.) in honor of the Olympian gods. Athletes participating in them, they should be citizens and men, and who trained for years in gyms.
There are many legends about the origin of the ancient Olympic Games. One associates the first Games with the ancient Greek concept of ἐκεχειρία (ekecheiria) or Olympic truce or peace. One of the most popular myths identifies Heracles and Zeus, parents of the parents of the Games. According to a legend mentioned by Pindar, Heracles who was called "Olympic Games" to a number of sporting events in honor of his father Zeus and established the custom of celebrating every four years, in addition to the idea persists that after completing his twelve labors , built the Olympic stadium in honor Zeus precisely. After its completion, he went straight for 200 steps and called this "distance Stadion" (Greek: στάδιον, Latin: stadium, "stage"), which later became a unit of distance. The date of commencement of such calendar serves as a reference to Greek and considered in the year 776. C., although the views of some scholars place it among the year 884 a. C. or 704 a. C.
Since then, the Games quickly took a larger role in ancient Greece, reaching their zenith in the sixth century and centuries V century. C. The Olympics had a fundamentally religious significance, when cities were at war Greek state and the time came to the Olympics, the war was suspended to make way for the games for their deep religious and cultural value. With contests alternating with sacrifices and ceremonies in honor of Zeus (whose statue stood majestically in Olympia) and Pelops, divine hero and mythical king of Olympia famous for his legendary chariot race and in whose honor were held. The number of events in the games then increased to twenty, and the celebration lasted several days. The first competitions were based on foot races, and later were entering the fight, the pentathlon, several test events including javelin, discus and long jump, the pankration, chariot races, and several artistic skills such as music, poetry and dance.
The Olympic flame is kept burning on the altar of Zeus in the ancient games. Today we light a torch by the action of the sun's rays at Olympia, and then transported to the site of the Olympic Games. In Olympia 293 came to celebrate Olympics, until the Christian emperor Theodosius I abolished them in 393 by pagans consider.


Sedes de los Juegos Olímpicos

En el 2012, los Juegos Olímpicos habrán tenido 41 sedes en 22 países, pero sólo en 7 ocasiones han sido en ciudades de fuera de Europa y Estados Unidos. Los Juegos de Verano de 2012 finalizaron en Londres, y los Juegos de Invierno de 2010 se realizaron en Vancouver. Esta tabla no incluye los Juegos Olímpicos organizados por Evangelos Zappas anteriores a la creación del COI en 1894. Incluye los "Juegos Intercalados" de 1906, pero el COI no los considera unos Juegos Olímpicos oficiales.
Juegos Olímpicos de Verano
1896I ediciónAtenasFlag of Greece (1822-1978).svg Grecia
1900II ediciónParísBandera de Francia Francia
1904III ediciónSan LuisBandera de los Estados Unidos Estados Unidos
1906Juegos IntercaladosAtenasFlag of Greece (1822-1978).svg Grecia
1908IV ediciónLondresBandera del Reino Unido Reino Unido
1912V ediciónEstocolmoBandera de Suecia Suecia
1916VI ediciónBerlínFlag of the German Empire.svg Alemania
Suspendidos por la Primera Guerra MundialAñoEventoSedeBlank.png
1920VII ediciónAmberesFlag of Belgium (civil).svg BélgicaJuegos Olímpicos de Invierno
1924VIII ediciónParísBandera de Francia Francia1924I ediciónChamonixBandera de Francia Francia
1928IX ediciónÁmsterdamBandera de los Países Bajos Países Bajos1928II ediciónSankt MoritzFlag of Switzerland.svg Suiza
1932X ediciónLos ÁngelesBandera de los Estados Unidos Estados Unidos1932III ediciónLake PlacidBandera de los Estados Unidos Estados Unidos
1936XI ediciónBerlínBandera de Alemania nazi Alemania1936IV ediciónGarmisch-PartenkirchenBandera de Alemania nazi Alemania
1940XII ediciónHelsinkiBandera de Finlandia Finlandia1940V ediciónGarmisch-PartenkirchenBandera de Alemania nazi Alemania
Suspendidos por la Segunda Guerra Mundial
1944XIII ediciónLondresBandera del Reino Unido Reino Unido1944VI ediciónCortina d'AmpezzoBandera de Italia Italia
Suspendidos por la Segunda Guerra Mundial
1948XIV ediciónLondresBandera del Reino Unido Reino Unido1948VII ediciónSankt MoritzFlag of Switzerland.svg Suiza
1952XV ediciónHelsinkiBandera de Finlandia Finlandia1952VIII ediciónOsloBandera de Noruega Noruega
1956XVI ediciónMelbourneBandera de Australia Australia1956IX ediciónCortina d'AmpezzoBandera de Italia Italia
1960XVII ediciónRomaBandera de Italia Italia1960X ediciónSquaw ValleyBandera de los Estados Unidos Estados Unidos
1964XVIII ediciónTokioBandera de Japón Japón1964XI ediciónInnsbruckBandera de Austria Austria
1968XIX ediciónCiudad de MéxicoBandera de México México1968XII ediciónGrenobleBandera de Francia Francia
1972XX ediciónMúnichBandera de Alemania R.F. Alemana1972XIII ediciónSapporoBandera de Japón Japón
1976XXI ediciónMontrealBandera de Canadá Canadá1976XIV ediciónInnsbruckBandera de Austria Austria
1980XXII ediciónMoscúFlag of the Soviet Union.svg Unión Soviética1980XV ediciónLake PlacidBandera de los Estados Unidos Estados Unidos
1984XXIII ediciónLos ÁngelesBandera de los Estados Unidos Estados Unidos1984XVI ediciónSarajevoFlag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg Yugoslavia
1988XXIV ediciónSeúlBandera de Corea del Sur Corea del Sur1988XVII ediciónCalgaryBandera de Canadá Canadá
1992XXV ediciónBarcelonaBandera de España España1992XVIII ediciónAlbertvilleBandera de Francia Francia
1996XXVI ediciónAtlantaBandera de los Estados Unidos Estados Unidos1994XIX ediciónLillehammerBandera de Noruega Noruega
2000XXVII ediciónSídneyBandera de Australia Australia1998XX ediciónNaganoBandera de Japón Japón
2004XXVIII ediciónAtenasFlag of Greece.svg Grecia2002XXI ediciónSalt Lake CityBandera de los Estados Unidos Estados Unidos
2008XXIX ediciónPekínBandera de la República Popular China R.P. China2006XXII ediciónTurínBandera de Italia Italia
2012XXX ediciónLondresBandera del Reino Unido Reino Unido2010XXIII ediciónVancouverBandera de Canadá Canadá
2016XXXI ediciónRío de JaneiroBandera de Brasil Brasil2014XXIV ediciónSochiBandera de Rusia Rusia
2020XXXII ediciónElección el 7 de septiembre de 20132018XXV ediciónPyeongchangBandera de Corea del Sur Corea



London 2012 Olympics
The 2012 Summer Olympic Games, officially known as the Games of the XXX Olympiad in London in 2012 or "London 2012 Olympic Games" were held in the city of London in the United Kingdom, from 27 July to 12 August . London thus became the first city to officially host the modern Olympic Games three times, before it did in 1908 and 1948.

London was chosen as the host city on 6 July 2005 during the 117th IOC Session in Singapore, defeating Moscow, New York, Madrid and Paris after four rounds of voting. The winning bid was headed by former Olympic champion Sebastian Coe.

Although the 2012 Olympics are past, it is always a good time to visit London. A cosmopolitan city where there are plenty of things to do and places to visit. Do not miss the opportunity to discover and see London, we recommend that you use trivago hotel in London.
London 2012 Paralympic Games

The 2012 Paralympic Games were the deciomocuartos Paralympics and took place between 29 August and 9 September 2012. The event will be hosted in London, UK, after winning as a candidate city for the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012.

In its assessment the International Olympic Committee states that "With its rich history, the capacities of UK Paralympic Sport are among the best ever."