Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll [3] (Ottawa, February 2, 1977), known simply as Shakira, is a singer, songwriter, record producer, dancer and Colombian Latin pop rock genre in Spanish and English.
He debuted in the Hispanic music market in 1996 with the album Barefoot andinternational success came in 2001 with Laundry. The artist has sold over 70 million albums to date, of which 9.9 million units were sold in the U.S. alone. [4] [5] [6] is theinternational female artist with more sales in the early for 2000 in Spain. She has wontwice Grammy Award and eight-time Latin Grammy winner. [7] The company ShakiraLive Nation considers the most important artist of his generation clearly consolidated its global impact, and places this contract within artists in the world. [8] Currently, surpassed $ S140.000.000 in profits. According to Forbes magazine, is one of the singers most money wins. [9] [10]
In Shakira's official channels on YouTube there have been over a billion views, [11] 1,400 million in VEVO yourself (which occupies one of the highest positions of visits in the world at the channel and videos) , 130 million in its YouTube channel and another 280 million for its canal Shakira. [12] [13]iografía
He debuted in the Hispanic music market in 1996 with the album Barefoot andinternational success came in 2001 with Laundry. The artist has sold over 70 million albums to date, of which 9.9 million units were sold in the U.S. alone. [4] [5] [6] is theinternational female artist with more sales in the early for 2000 in Spain. She has wontwice Grammy Award and eight-time Latin Grammy winner. [7] The company ShakiraLive Nation considers the most important artist of his generation clearly consolidated its global impact, and places this contract within artists in the world. [8] Currently, surpassed $ S140.000.000 in profits. According to Forbes magazine, is one of the singers most money wins. [9] [10]
In Shakira's official channels on YouTube there have been over a billion views, [11] 1,400 million in VEVO yourself (which occupies one of the highest positions of visits in the world at the channel and videos) , 130 million in its YouTube channel and another 280 million for its canal Shakira. [12] [13]iografía
1977-1989: Early life and artistic beginnings
Shakira was born on February 2, 1977 in Barranquilla, Colombia. It is the only daughter of William Mebarak Chadid, a Lebanese-born American-Arab, immigrated to Colombia five years, Nidia del Carmen Ripoll and Torrado, a Colombian of Catalan-Spanish descent, and italiana.16 17 18 19
Shakira (شاكرة Sakira) means "grateful" in árabe.20 21 It is the feminine form of the name Shakir (شاكر Sakir). His second name, Isabel, comes from his maternal grandmother, and is of Spanish origin. His first name, Mebarak (مبارك məbārak) is Arabic. And his middle name, Ripoll, is catalán.22
Shakira wrote her first poem, entitled "La Rosa de Cristal", when he was four years old. In her childhood she was fascinated to see her father writing stories on a typewriter, and asked for a Christmas present. At age seven he got his wish and continued to write poetry, those poems eventually ended up in songs. At the age of two years, one of his older half-brothers died in a motorcycle accident, at age eight, he wrote his first song titled "Your dark glasses", inspired by his father, who for years led sunglasses to hide its dolor.23

willian shakespeare Shakespeare
Birth 1565. Baptized on April 23, 1564 (Julian calendar).
Death according to the Gregorian calendar: May 3, 1616, but according to the Julian calendar: April 23, 1616
Occupation playwright, poet and English actor
British nationality
Elizabethan and Jacobean period
Gender tragedies, comedies, historical plays, fantasies, apocryphal, critical judgments
Elizabethan Theatre Movements
Spouse Anne Hathaway (1582-1616)
Susanna Hall Offspring
Hamnet Shakespeare
Judith Quiney
Residence in Stratford, known as the birthplace of Shakespeare (though it is unclear). Is said to have been born poet and playwright in the room with the windows boxes.
Shakespeare's Coat of Arms
William Shakespeare (also spelled Shakspere, Shake-speare Shaksper and because spelling in Elizabethan times was not fixed or absolute) 3 was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in April 1564. It was the third of eight children born to John Shakespeare, a prosperous merchant who went on to achieve a leading position in the municipality, and Mary Arden, descended from a family lineage.
Was born when his family lived in Henley Street in Stratford, not known the exact day because only then did the act of baptism, April 26 in this case, so presumably born a few days before and no more than a week, as was the ordinary, the tradition has been set date of his birth on April 23, the feast of St. George, perhaps by analogy with the day of his death, another April 23 in 1616 but this dating is not supported by any documents.
Shakespeare's father, who was at the height of its prosperity when William was born, soon after fell into disgrace. Accused of illegal trade in wool, lost his position in the government of the municipality. It has been suggested also that it was involved in processing a possible affinity with the Catholic faith on both sides of the family.4
William Shakespeare probably received his early studies at the local elementary school, the Stratford Grammar School, in the center of his hometown, which he should have made an intensive education in Latin grammar and literature. Although the quality of schools grammatical Elizabethan period was quite irregular, there are indications in the sense that the Stratford was fairly good. Shakespeare's attendance at this school is mere conjecture, based on the fact that legally was entitled to free education as the son of a local government official. However, there is no document attesting that, as the parish records are lost. At that time it was run by John Cotton, teacher of broad humanistic and Catholic supposedly, a Grammar School (equivalent to a study of grammar of Spanish sixteenth or current school) taught lessons from eight to fifteen and education focused in learning Latin, at higher levels the use of English was forbidden to promote fluency in the Latin language; prevailed studying the works of Aesop translated into Latin, Ovid and Virgil, authors such as Shakespeare knew.
On November 28, 1582, when he was 18 years of age, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, 26, originally from Temple Grafton, a town near Stratford. Two neighbors of Anne, Fulk Sandalls and John Richardson, testified that there was no impediment for the ceremony. It seems that there was a rush to conclude the wedding, perhaps because Anne was three months pregnant. After their marriage, there is little trace of William Shakespeare in the historical record until he makes his appearance on the London stage. On May 26, 1583, the couple's eldest daughter, Susanna, was baptized at Stratford. A son, Hamnet, and another daughter, Judith, born twins, were also baptized soon after the February 2, 1585, Hamnet died at age eleven, and only reached adulthood his daughters. Judging by the will of the dramatist, who was somewhat desdeños
elicidad marriage
Birth 1565. Baptized on April 23, 1564 (Julian calendar).
Death according to the Gregorian calendar: May 3, 1616, but according to the Julian calendar: April 23, 1616
Occupation playwright, poet and English actor
British nationality
Elizabethan and Jacobean period
Gender tragedies, comedies, historical plays, fantasies, apocryphal, critical judgments
Elizabethan Theatre Movements
Spouse Anne Hathaway (1582-1616)
Susanna Hall Offspring
Hamnet Shakespeare
Judith Quiney
Residence in Stratford, known as the birthplace of Shakespeare (though it is unclear). Is said to have been born poet and playwright in the room with the windows boxes.
Shakespeare's Coat of Arms

William Shakespeare (also spelled Shakspere, Shake-speare Shaksper and because spelling in Elizabethan times was not fixed or absolute) 3 was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in April 1564. It was the third of eight children born to John Shakespeare, a prosperous merchant who went on to achieve a leading position in the municipality, and Mary Arden, descended from a family lineage.
Was born when his family lived in Henley Street in Stratford, not known the exact day because only then did the act of baptism, April 26 in this case, so presumably born a few days before and no more than a week, as was the ordinary, the tradition has been set date of his birth on April 23, the feast of St. George, perhaps by analogy with the day of his death, another April 23 in 1616 but this dating is not supported by any documents.
Shakespeare's father, who was at the height of its prosperity when William was born, soon after fell into disgrace. Accused of illegal trade in wool, lost his position in the government of the municipality. It has been suggested also that it was involved in processing a possible affinity with the Catholic faith on both sides of the family.4
William Shakespeare probably received his early studies at the local elementary school, the Stratford Grammar School, in the center of his hometown, which he should have made an intensive education in Latin grammar and literature. Although the quality of schools grammatical Elizabethan period was quite irregular, there are indications in the sense that the Stratford was fairly good. Shakespeare's attendance at this school is mere conjecture, based on the fact that legally was entitled to free education as the son of a local government official. However, there is no document attesting that, as the parish records are lost. At that time it was run by John Cotton, teacher of broad humanistic and Catholic supposedly, a Grammar School (equivalent to a study of grammar of Spanish sixteenth or current school) taught lessons from eight to fifteen and education focused in learning Latin, at higher levels the use of English was forbidden to promote fluency in the Latin language; prevailed studying the works of Aesop translated into Latin, Ovid and Virgil, authors such as Shakespeare knew.
On November 28, 1582, when he was 18 years of age, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, 26, originally from Temple Grafton, a town near Stratford. Two neighbors of Anne, Fulk Sandalls and John Richardson, testified that there was no impediment for the ceremony. It seems that there was a rush to conclude the wedding, perhaps because Anne was three months pregnant. After their marriage, there is little trace of William Shakespeare in the historical record until he makes his appearance on the London stage. On May 26, 1583, the couple's eldest daughter, Susanna, was baptized at Stratford. A son, Hamnet, and another daughter, Judith, born twins, were also baptized soon after the February 2, 1585, Hamnet died at age eleven, and only reached adulthood his daughters. Judging by the will of the dramatist, who was somewhat desdeños

It has been argued a lot about the author's personal life and his alleged homosexuality, 12 speculation is its main base in a highly original collection of sonnets was published, apparently without their consent. Has also been suspected the existence of one or a lover to make her unhappy marriage, as was his wife and mother of three children was quite older than him and was pregnant before the wedding. This suspicion is based on a famous quote of his will: "I leave my second best bed" passage that has raised more than a few disparate interpretations and speculations. The most general is about the couple's relationship was not entirely satisfactory. But other points in the opposite direction, as the playwright would have dedicated a beautiful sonnet to his wife called The World's Wife ("The World's Wife").
It has been followed closely, also the cruelty of Shakespeare with respect to the female figure in his sonnets and, consequently, of the ingenuity of man falling caught in their nets. The themes of promiscuity, the carnal and the falsity of the woman humorously described and criticized by the playwright, are sufficient evidence to proceed on the basis that they have a predilection for men and a repudiation of the coquetry of the women in any case, always mentioned in reference to its shallowness and materialistic interests.
See part of the next fragment of his sonnet 144:
Two loves I have of joy and despair I
like two spirits which I still suggest that
The better angel is a white man and law, and
the worst spectrum, a sickly woman.
To win soon to hell, my female evil
took the better angel from my side,
and corrumpiría my saint to be a demon,
ruining his purity with her foul pride (...)historical works
In the First Folio are classified as "historical works" (in English histories) only those related to the relatively short history of England. Other works on historical themes, as set in ancient Rome, or even Macbeth, starring a real king of Scotland, not classified in this section. They are eleven in all (or ten, excluding Edward III, modernly considered apocryphal). The font used by the playwright for the composition of these works is well known: it is the Chronicles of Raphael Holinshed.
Below is a list of works sorted by the approximate date of your composición23
Edward III (The Reign of King Edward III, composed between 1590 and 1594, published (anonymously) in 1596).
Henry VI
Part One (The First Part of King Henry the Sixth, made about 1594. His first known edition is that of the First Folio.)
Part II (The Second Part of King Henry the Sixth, made about 1594. His first known edition is that of the First Folio.)
Part III (The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth, made about 1594. His first known edition is that of the First Folio.)
Richard III (The Tragedy of King Richard the Third, made about 1594, published in 1597).
Richard II (The Tragedy of King Richard the Second, composed around 1595, published in 1597).
Henry IV
Part (Henry IV, Part 1, composed around 1596, published in 1597 or 1598)
Part (Henry IV, Part 2, composed around 1597, published in 1600)
Henry V (Henry V, composed around 1597-1599, the first known edition is that of the First Folio).
King John (The Life and Death of King John, composed probably about 1597, since data are represented in 1598. His first known edition is that of the First Folio).
Henry VIII (The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth, made in 1613, the earliest known edition is that of the First Folio).
Venus and Adonis
The rape of Lucretia

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